And there was evening...
Thursday, January 24, 2025
Gregorian Calendar: Feb 06 2025
33d Thursday after Pentecost
~ Tone VII
- St. Xenia of Rome, and her two slaves, V c.
- St. Xenia of St.Petersburg, XVIII c.
- St. Macedonius the Krythophagos, hermit of Syria. ca. 420
- Martyrs Babylas of Sicily, and his disc. Timothy and Agapius, III c.
- Martyr Anastasius the Persian, transl. of the relics
- Martyrs Paul, Pausirius, and Theodotian, of Egypt
- St. Philo, Bishop of Kalpa on Cyprus
- St. Phillipicus the Presbyter
- Martyr Barsimaeus of Syria, and his two brothers
- St. Zosimas, Bishop of Babylon in Egypt
- Martyr John of Kazan, +1529
- St. Gerasimus, Bishop of Perm, +1441
- St. Felician, Bishop of Folingo, Italy
- St. Lupicinus of Lipidiaco, Gaul
- Martyrs Hermogenes and Mamas
- St. Neophytus the Recluse of Cyprus
- Abbess Sophia of Shamordino convent, disc. of St.Ambrose, +1888
- Bishop Nectarius (Kontsevich) of Seattle, +1983
| And there was morning...
Friday, January 25, 2025
Gregorian Calendar: Feb 07 2025
33d Friday after Pentecost
~ Tone VII
- St. Gregory the Theologian, +389
- St. Publius, ascetic of Syria, ca.380
- St. Mares the Singer of Syria, ca. 430
- Martyrs Felicitas and his seven sons, of Rome, II c.
- St. Moses, Archbishop of Novgorod, +1362
- St. Castinus, Bishop of Bysantium
- St. Demetrius Skevophylax of Constantinople
- New Martyr Auxentios of Constantinople
- St. Bretanion, Bishop of Tomis, Romania
- New Hiero-Martyr Vladimir, Metropolitan of Kiev, +1918
- St. Anatole of Optina monastery, +1894
- Martyr Medula and thise with her
- St. Apollo of Thebes
- New Confessor Bishop Peter (Zverev) +1929
- The icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Assuage My Sorrow" and "Unexpected Joy"